Since 1998
No.172, Arcot Road, Raahat Plaza, 3rd Floor, Vadapalani, Chennai - 600 026

G-Pay Number: 9840333799


Apply as a Students

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Rules & Regulations

  1. The application form should be filled neatly.
  2. The monthly payment should be paid in advance.
  3. The registration fee of Rs.500/- should be paid at the time of admission.
  4. The Institute reserves all rights to reject any application without assigning any reason.
  5. If payment of fees after the due date is made, a late fee will be collected.
  6. The course fee, once paid, is non-refundable except in the case of cancellation of the course by the Institute.
  7. The time fixed for the tuition will not be changed until the course is completed.
  8. In case any irregularity is found in the application, the fees should be paid in full and will not be adjusted with the monthly fee.
  9. Any change of address during the course should be promptly communicated to us.
  10. Students intending to take long leave must get permission from the Institute; failing this, the student will be barred, and the amount paid will not be refundable.
  11. In the case of continuous leave/absence, a rejoining fee will be collected upon readmission.
  12. I hereby declare that I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the VLC INSTITUTE.
  13. After registration payment (Rs.500), the application process will be completed.
    G.Pay number: 9840333799
    VLC Institute Bank details:
    VLC Institute
    Vadapani Vijaya Hospital Branch
    AC No.: 168502000000438
    IFSC Code: IOBA0001685

Home Tutor's Resume

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Reference 1

Reference 2


  1. Our Instution tie-up with so many schools / colleges, Once your performance found satisfactory and efficiency proved, we will recommend your name to repaid institutions.
  2. Once the conditions is agreed upon for taking the class, It will be the total responsibility of the course... salary will not be paid.
  3. Attendance must be maintained daily filled in with in-time, out the Details in the feedbacks cad along with parents/students signature.
  4. No advance will be paid to faculties before taking the class. Payment will be made only after the completion of month / Completion of duration as per the terms mutuarly agreed upon inutility.
    • Faculties should report to the office once in a fortnight along with student's Progress
    • Our Instution tie-up with so many schools / colleges, Once your performance found satisfactory and efficiency proved, we will recommend your name to repaid institutions.
    • Once the conditions is agreed upon for taking the class, It will be the total responsibility of the course... salary will not be paid
    • Attendance must be maintained daily filled in with in-time, out the Details in the feedbacks cad along with parents/students signature.
    • No advance will be paid to faculties before taking the class. Payment will be made only after the completion of month / Completion of duration as per the terms mutuarly agreed upon inutility.
    • Faculties should report to the office once in a fortnight along with student's Progress
    • Any leave/class adjustment must be informed to the office & any changed in address phone No should be immediately informed to the office.
    • It is strictly instructed that cell phone should not be used during class house.
    • Faculties should not have any financial dealings with the students/parents ditectly.
    • Faculties should maintain good discipline, and manners, with proper attire (Dress)During coaching House.
    • If a Faculties introduces a talented / skilled faculty, incentive will be given to the introducer.